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Historical materialism book series

Publisher Leiden : Brill
Codes ID=2001151997 NCID=BA60689706

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variant access title:Historical materialism

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1 1 The new dialectic and Marx's capital / by Christopher J. Arthur : pbk. - Leiden ; Boston ; Köln : Brill , 2002
2 4 The capitalist cycle : an essay on the Marxist theory of the cycle / Pavel V. Maksakovsky ; translated with introduction and commentary by Richard B. Day Leiden : Brill , 2004
3 10 Globalisation : a systematic Marxian account / by Tony Smith Leiden : Brill , 2006
4 32 Financialisation in crisis / edited by Costas Lapavitsas : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
5 v. 49 Rethinking the industrial revolution : five centuries of transition from agrarian to industrial capitalism in England / by Michael Andrew Žmolek : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2013
6 vol. 82 The Communist International and US Communism, 1919-1929 / by Jacob A. Zumoff : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2014
7 v. 84 The Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, 1899-1904 : documents of the "Economist" opposition to Iskra and early Menshevism / by Richard Mullin : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
8 v. 86 The dimensions of hegemony : language, culture and politics in revolutionary Russia / by Craig Brandist : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
9 v. 133 Communes and workers' control in Venezuela : building 21st century socialism from below / by Dario Azzellini ; translated from the Spanish by Ned Sublette : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2017
10 v. 149 The February Revolution, Petrograd, 1917 : the end of the tsarist regime and the birth of dual power / by Tsuyoshi Hasegawa : hardback. - Rev, enlarged and reinterpreted ed. - Leiden : Brill , c2018
11 v. 173 Alliance of adversaries : the Congress of the Toilers of the Far East / edited by John Sexton : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
12 v. 226 Yiddish revolutionaries in migration : the transnational history of the Jewish Labour Bund / by Frank Wolff ; translated by Loren Balhorn, Jan-Peter Herrmann : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2021
13 v. 253 The moderate Bolshevik : Mikhail Tomsky from the factory to the Kremlin, 1880-1936 / by Charters Wynn : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2022

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