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Key concepts series

Publisher London ; New York : Routledge
Codes ID=2000758117 NCID=BA36600750

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Language Undetermined
Other titles other title:Key concepts

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1 Key concepts in cultural theory / edited by Andrew Edgar and Peter Sedgwick : hbk,: pbk. - London ; New York : Routledge , 1999
2 Key concepts in post-colonial studies / Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin : hbk,: pbk. - London ; New York : Routledge , 1998
3 Key concepts in the philosophy of education / Christopher Winch and John Gingell : pbk. - London : Routledge , 1999
4 Key concepts in language and linguistics / R.L. Trask : hbk,: pbk. - London ; New York : Routledge , 1999