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Key ideas

Publisher Chichester [West Sussex] : E. Horwood
Publisher London ; New York : Tavistock Publications
Codes ID=1000002297 NCID=BA00450157

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Language English
Other titles variant access title:Ellis Horwood series in key ideas

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1 The symbolic construction of community / A.P. Cohen pbk. - Chichester : Ellis Horwood , 1985
2 Beliefs and ideology / Kenneth Thompson : Student edn.. - Chichester, West Sussex : Ellis Horwood. - London ; New York : Tavistock Publications , 1986
3 Equality / Bryan Turner Chichester : Ellis Horwood. - London : Tavistock Publications , 1986
4 Hegemony / Robert Bocock Library edn,Student edn. - Chichester [West Sussex] : Ellis Horwood. - London : Tavistock Publication , 1986
5 The symbolic construction of community / A.P. Cohen : Library Edn.,: Student Edn.. - Chichester : E. Horwood. - London ; New York : Tavistock Publications , 1985
6 Working / Graeme Salaman : pbk.. - Chichester, Sussex, England : E. Horwood. - London ; New York : Tavistock Publications , 1986