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体育科教育法講義 / 宇土正彦 [ほか] 編著
タイイクカ キョウイクホウ コウギ

Publisher 東京 : 大修館書店
Year 1992.4
Codes ID=2000444626 NCID=BN07501644

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Language Japanese
Size ix, 266p ; 21cm
Other titles title page title:Curriculum and method of physical education
Notes 引用・参考文献: 各章末. 参考図書: p262-266
Authors 宇土, 正彦(1920-) <ウド, マサヒコ>
Subjects BSH:保健体育科
Classification NDC8:375.49
Vol ISBN:4469262315 ; PRICE:2060円

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Cent.Lib.,Closed Stacks, Books(Japanese)
375.79/UDO 0770317600
4469262315 1993
Education, The Theory of Physical Education, SAKITA
371.624/UDO 0770215787
4469262315 1992

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