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磁気 / 近角聡信責任編集
(実験物理学講座 / 近角聡信 [ほか] 企画編集 ; 17)

Publisher 東京 : 共立出版
Year 1968.6
Codes ID=2000032109 NCID=BN00815101

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Language Japanese
Size 2, 6, 529, 12p ; 22cm
Notes 執筆者:近角聡信ほか
Authors 近角, 聡信(1922-) <チカズミ, ソウシン>
Subjects NDLSH:物理学 -- 実験  All Subject Search
Classification NDC8:420.72
Vol ISBN:4320030729 ; PRICE:5000円

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Cent.Lib.,Closed Stacks, Books(Japanese)
530.7/JIK 0016288537
4320030729 1968
Central Library, Open-Stack Room
530.072/JIK/17 0170117661
4320030729 1986
North Library (East 2F, Open Stack)
530.7/JIK/17 0017403174
4320030729 1968
North Library(Closed Stack,hozon west1)
530.7/JI 0016058904
4320030729 1968
Sci. Library (Stack)
530/JI 0015999387 Japanese Books 4320030729 1968
Library of Physics Division, Grad. School of Sci.
530/JIK/17 0016031638
4320030729 1968
Library of Physics Division, Grad. School of Sci.
530/JIK/17 0016034244
4320030729 1968
Very Low Temperature, Graduate School of Science
530/JI 0015976130
4320030729 1968
Very Low Temperature, Graduate School of Science
530/JI 0015999310
4320030729 1968
Solid State Physics, Graduate School of Science
530/JI 0015941013
4320030729 1968
Eng General Lib, Basement Stacks (Jpn Books)
530/J563/17 0015971704
4320030729 1968
Eng General Lib, Basement Stacks (Jpn Books)
530/J563/17 3511253722
4320030729 1977
Eng., Ryoushi Energy, Genshiro Kougaku
530/JI567 0015989820
4320030729 1968
Eng., Zaika, FCC kikibunseki kanrishien
530/JIK 3570191391
4320030729 1986
Information science, Nano denshi device gaku
530/JI567 0016500820
4320030729 1968
Inst. Low Temperature Sci., Lib.(Book) (Closed)
530/JI 0016077133 <P 1/20.17> 4320030729 1968
Res.Inst.Elect.Sci.,Lab. of Nanostructure Physics
530/JI 0017340726
4320030729 1968

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