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触れ合う原子 : 液体と固体の物性 / B.R.Jennings, V.J.Morris著 ; 三宅彰訳
フレアウ ゲンシ : エキタイ ト コタイ ノ ブッセイ
(オックスフォード物理学シリーズ / 柿内賢信, 土方克法監修 ; 5)

Publisher 東京 : 丸善
Year 1977.4
Codes ID=2000000709 NCID=BN00778468

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Language Japanese
Size 131p ; 22cm
Other titles original title:Atoms in contact
Notes 叢書の監修:柿内賢信,土方克法
Authors Jennings, Barry Randall, 1939-
Morris, V. J.
三宅, 彰 <ミヤケ, アキラ>
Subjects NDLSH:物性論
Classification NDC6:429.3
Vol ISBN:4621022121 ; PRICE:1300円

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Cent.Lib.,Closed Stacks, Books(Japanese)
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4621022121 1985
Central Library, Open-Stack Room
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4621022121 1977
North Library (Closed Stack, 1st-3rd, Books)
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Library of Physics Division, Grad. School of Sci.
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Dielectrics, Graduate School of Science
530/OX2 3511303482
4621022121 1977
Dentistry, Libray (Reading Room)
530/OXF/5 3070100627
4621022121 1985
Eng General Lib, Basement Stacks (Jpn Books)
530/OX2/5 3511312940
4621022121 1977
Eng., Oubutsu, Kotai butsurigaku
530/OX2 3511183146
4621022121 1977
Information science, Nanoelectronics
530/OX2 3511172303
4621022121 1977

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