
The Macat library

出版者 London : Routledge
出版年 c2017-
コード類 書誌ID=2001753698 NCID=BB25260385


本文言語 〔言語名不明〕
別書名 標題紙タイトル:Macat
表紙タイトル:Macat library
一般注記 Publisher varies: Macat International


1 An analysis of Oliver Sacks's the Man who mistook his wife for a hat and other clinical tales / Dario Krpan with Alexander J. O'Connor : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
2 An analysis of Edmund Gettier's Is justified true belief knowledge? / Jason Schukraft : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
3 An analysis of Susan Sontag's On photography / Nico Epstein : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
4 An analysis of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical investigations / Michael O'Sullivan : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
5 An analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's Fear and trembling / Brittany Pheiffer Noble : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
6 An analysis of Thomas Kuhn's the Structure of scientific revolutions / Jo Hedesan with Joseph Tendler : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
7 An analysis of G.E.M. Anscombe's modern moral philosophy / Jonny Blamey with Jon Thompson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
8 An analysis of Alasdair MacIntyre's After virtue / Jon W. Thompson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
9 An analysis of John Stuart Mill's On liberty / Ashleigh Campi with Lindsay Scorgie-Porter : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
10 An analysis of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The social contract / James Hill : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
11 An analysis of John Locke's Two treatises of government / Jeremy Kleidosty ; with Ian Jackson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
12 An analysis of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan / Jeremy Kleidosty with Ian Jackson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
13 An analysis of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America / Elizabeth Morrow : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
14 An analysis of Niccolò Machiavelli's The prince / Ben Worthy ; with Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
15 An analysis of Henry David Thoreau's Civil disobedience / Mano Toth with Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
16 An analysis of Walter Benjamin's The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction / Rachele Dini : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
17 An analysis of Frantz Fanon's Black skin, white masks / Rachele Dini : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
18 . An analysis of Michel Foucault's The history of sexuality ; v. 1 The will to knowledge / Rachele Dini and Chiara Briganti : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
19 An analysis of Francis Fukuyama's The end of history and the last man / Ian Jackson ; with Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
20 An analysis of Michel Foucault's Discipline and punish / Meghan Kallman with Rachele Dini : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
21 An analysis of Hannah Arendt's The human condition / Sahar Aurore Saeidnia ; with Anthony Lang : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
22 An analysis of Donna Haraway's A cyborg manifesto : science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century / Rebecca Pohl : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2018
23 An analysis of Eric Hoffer the True believer : thoughts on the nature of mass movements / Jonah S. Rubin : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
24 An analysis of Jacques Derrida's Structure, sign and play in the discourse of human sciences / Tim Smith-Laing : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
25 An analysis of Michel Foucault's What is an author? / Tim Smith-Laing : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2018
26 An analysis of Sigmund Freud's the Interpretation of dreams / William J. Jenkins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
27 An analysis of Aristotle's Politics / Katherine Berrisford with Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
28 An analysis of Aristotle's Metaphysics / Aiste Celkyte : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
29 An analysis of Plato's The symposium / Richard Ellis ; with Simon Ravenscroft : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
30 An analysis of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations / James Orr : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
31 An analysis of Plato's the Republic / James Orr : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
32 An analysis of Maimonides's The guide of the perplexed / Mark W. Scarlata : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
33 An analysis of David Hume's Dialogues concerning natural religion / John Donaldson with Ian Jackson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
34 An analysis of David Hume's an Enquiry concerning human understanding / Michael O'Sullivan : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
35 An analysis of Friedrich Nietzsche's Beyond good and evil : prelude to a philosophy of the future / Don Berry : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
36 An analysis of Friedrich Nietzsche's On the genealogy of morality / Don Berry : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
37 An analysis of Immanuel Kant's Religion within the boundaries of mere reason / Ian Jackson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
38 An analysis of G.W.F. Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / Ian Jackson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
39 An analysis of Immanuel Kant's Critique of pure reason / Michael O'Sullivan : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
40 An analysis of Sun Tzu's The art of war / Ramon Pacheco Pardo : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
41 An analysis of Augustine's Confessions / Jonathan D. Teubner : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
42 An analysis of Jared M. Diamond's Collapse : how societies choose to fail or survive / Rodolfo Maggio : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
43 An analysis of Ernst Kantorowicz's the King's two bodies / Simon Thomson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
44 An analysis of Carlo Ginzburg's the Night battles : witchcraft and agrarian cults in the 16th anf [i. e. and] 17th centuries / Luke Freeman with Etienne Stockland : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
45 An analysis of Edmund Burke's Reflections on the revolution in France / Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
46 An analysis of Tony Judt's Postwar : a history of Europe since 1945 / Simon Young : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
47 An analysis of Thomas Paine's Rights of man / Mariana Assis and Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
48 An analysis of Thomas Paine's Common sense / Ian Jackson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
49 An analysis of Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in general linguistics / Laura E.B. Key with Brittany Pheiffer Noble : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
50 An analysis of Simone de Beauvoir's The second sex / Rachele Dini : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
51 An analysis of Homi K. Bhabha's the Location of culture / Stephen Fay with Liam Haydon : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
52 An analysis of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's Epistemology of the closet / Christien Garcia : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
53 An analysis of Roland Barthes's Mythologies / John M. Gómez : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
54 An analysis of Edward Said's Orientalism / Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
55 An analysis of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's Can the subaltern speak? / Graham K. Riach : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
56 An analysis of Roland Barthes's The death of the author / Laura Seymour : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
57 An analysis of T.S. Eliot's the Sacred wood : essays on poetry and criticism / Rachel Teubner : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
58 An analysis of Sir Philip Sidney's The defence of poesy / Liam Haydon : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2018
59 An analysis of Stephen Greenblatt's Renaissance self-fashioning : from More to Shakespeare / Liam Haydon : pbk,: hardback. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
60 An analysis of William Wordsworth's Preface to the lyrical ballads / Alex Latter with Rachel Teubner : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2018
61 An analysis of Mary Wollstonecraft's a Vindication of the rights of woman / Ruth Scobie : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
62 An analysis of Virginia Woolf's a Room of one's own / Fiona Robinson with Tim Smith-Laing : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
63 An analysis of Toni Morrison's Playing in the dark : whiteness and the literary imagination / Karina Jakubowicz with Adam Perchard : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
64 An analysis of John Berger's Ways of seeing / Katja Lang with Emmanouil Kalkanis : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : [distributed by] Routledge , c2017
65 An analysis of Émile Durkheim's On suicide / Robert Easthope : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
66 An analysis of Max Weber's the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism / Sebastián G. Guzmán with James Hill : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
67 An analysis of Pierre Bourdieu's Outline of a theory of practice / Rodolfo Maggio : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
68 An analysis of C. Wright Mills's The sociological imagination / Ismael Puga ; with Robert Easthope : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
69 An analysis of David Riesman's the Lonely crowd : a study of the changing American character / Jarrod Homer : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
70 An analysis of Robert D. Putnam's Bowling alone : the collapse and revival of American community / Elizabeth Morrow with Lindsay Scorgie-Porter : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
71 An analysis of Judith Butler's Gender trouble / Tim Smith-Laing : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
72 An analysis of Betty Friedan's the Feminine mystique / Elizabeth Whitaker : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
73 An analysis of Zora Neale Hurston's "Characteristics of Negro expression" / Mercedes Aguirre with Benjamin R. Lempert : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
74 An analysis of Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, fast and slow / Jacqueline Anne Allan : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
75 An analysis of Stanley Milgram's Obedience to authority an experimental view / Mark Gridley with William J. Jenkins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
76 An analysis of Leon Festinger's A theory of cognitive dissonance / Camille Morvan with Alexander J. O'Connor : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
77 An analysis of Steven Pinker's the Better angels of our nature : why violence has declined / Joulia Smortchkova : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
78 An analysis of Mary Douglas's Purity and danger : an analysis of concepts of pollution and taboo / Pádraig Belton : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
79 An analysis of Marcel Mauss's the Gift : the form and reason for exchange in archai societies / Elizabeth Whitaker : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
80 An analysis of Claude Lévi-Strauss's structural anthropology / Kitty Wheater : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
81 An analysis of Jane Jacobs's the Death and life of great American cities / Martin Fuller with Ryan Moore : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
82 An analysis of Brundtland Commission's Our common Future / Ksenia Gerasimova : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
83 An analysis of Rachel Carson's Silent spring / Nikki Springer : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
84 An analysis of Max Weber's Politics as a vocation / William Brett with Jason Xidias and Tom McClean : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
85 An analysis of Samuel P. Huntington's the Clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order / Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
86 An analysis of Ernest Gellner's Nations and nationalism / Dale J. Stahl : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
87 An analysis of Benedict Anderson's Imagined communities / Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
88 An analysis of Henry Kissinger's World order : reflections on the character of nations and the course of history / Bryan R. Gibson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
89 An analysis of John Maynard Keynes's The general theory of employment, interest and money / John Collins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
90 An analysis of Adam Smith's the Wealth of nations / by John Collins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
91 An analysis of Friedrich Hayek's the Road to serfdom / David Linden with Nick Broten : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
92 An analysis of Karl Marx's Capital : a critique of political economy / The Macat Team : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
93 An analysis of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the twenty-first century / Nick Broten : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
94 An analysis of Milton Friedman's Capitalism and freedom / Sulaiman Hakemy : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
95 An analysis of Amartya Sen's Development as freedom / Janna Miletzki with Nick Broten : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
96 An analysis of Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman's Judgment under uncertainty heuristics and biases / Camille Morvan with William J. Jenkins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
97 An analysis of Robert E. Lucas Jr.'s Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor countries? / Pádraig Belton : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
98 An analysis of William H. Whyte's The organization man / Nikki Springer : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2018
99 An analysis of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's the Black swan : the impact of the highly improbable / Eric Lybeck : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
100 An analysis of David J. Teece's dynamic capabilites and strategic management : organizing for innovation and growth / Veselina Stoyanova : pbk. - Abingdon : Routledge , c2017
101 An analysis of CK Prahalad & Gary Hamel's the Core competence of the corporation / the Macat Team : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
102 An analysis of Pankaj Ghemawat's distance still matters : the hard reality of global expansion / Alessandro Giuduci ; with Marianna Rolbina : pbk. - Abingdon : Routledge , c2018
103 An analysis of Charles Darwin's On the origin of species : by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life / Kathleen Bryson with Nadezda Josephine Msindai : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
104 An analysis of Richard Dawkins's the Selfish gene / Nicola Davis : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
105 An analysis of David Graeber's Debt : the first 5000 years / Sulaiman Hakemy : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
106 An analysis of Eric Foner's Reconstruction : America's unfinished revolution, 1863-1877 / Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
107 An analysis of Ikujiro Nonaka's A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation / Stoyan Stoyanov : pbk. - London : Macat International , c2017
108 An analysis of Eugene Genovese's Roll, Jordan, roll : the world the slaves made / Cheryl Hudson with Eva Namusoke : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
109 An analysis of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay's the Federalist papers / Jeremy Kleidosty with Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
110 An analysis of Bernard Bailyn's the Ideological origins of the American revolution / Joshua Specht with Etienne Stockland : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
111 An analysis of Elaine Tyler May's Homeward bound : American families in the Cold War era / Jarrod Homer : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
112 An analysis of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Why we can't wait / Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
113 An analysis of C.L.R. James's the Black Jacobins : Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution / Nick Broten : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
114 An analysis of Frank Dikötter's Mao's great famine / John Wanger Givens : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
115 An analysis of Albert Hourani's a History of the Arab peoples / J.A.O.C. Brown with Bryan R. Gibson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
116 An analysis of Hamid Dabashi's Theology of discontent : the ideological foundation of the Islamic revolution in Iran / Magdalena C. Delgado with Bryan R. Gibson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
117 An analysis of Hamid Dabashi's Iran : a people interrupted / Bryan R. Gibson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
118 An analysis of Saba Mahmood's Politics of piety : the Islamic revival and the feminist subject / Jessica Johnson with Ian S. Fairweather : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
119 An analysis of Hanna Batatu's The old social classes and the revolutionary movements of Iraq / Dale J. Stahl : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
120 An analysis of James Ferguson's the Anti-politics machine : "development," depoliticization, and bureaucratic power in Lesotho / Julie Jenkins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
121 An analysis of Chinua Achebe's an Image of Africa : racism in Conrad's heart of darkness / Clare Clarke with Lindsay Scorgie-Porter : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
122 An analysis of Griselda Pollock's Vision and difference : feminism, femininity and the histories of art / Karina Jakubowicz : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
123 An analysis of Yasser Tabbaa's The transformation of Islamic art during the Sunni revival / Bilal Badat : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
124 An analysis of Erwin Panofsky's Meaning in the visual arts / Emmanouil Kalkanis : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2018
125 An analysis of Jay MacLeod's Ain't no makin' it : aspirations and attainment in a low-income neighborhood / Anna Seiferle-Valencia : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
126 An analysis of Michell Alexander's the New jim crow : mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness / Ryan Moore : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
127 An analysis of W.E.B. Du Bois's the Souls of black folk / Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
128 An analysis of Michael R. Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi's A general theory of crime / William J. Jenkins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
129 An analysis of William James's the Principles of psychology / The Macat Team : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
130 An analysis of Alan D. Baddeley and Graham Hitch's Working memory / Birgit Koopmann-Holm with Alexander J. O'Connor : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
131 An analysis of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger's Situated learning : legitimate peripheral participation / Charmi Patel : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
132 An analysis of Albert Bandura's Aggression a social learning analysis / Jacqueline Allan : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
133 An analysis of Philip Zimbardo's the Lucifer effect : understanding how good people turn evil / Alexander J. O'Connor : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
134 An analysis of Gordon Allport's the Nature of prejudice / Alexander O'Connor : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
135 An analysis of Abraham Maslow's A theory of human motivation / Stoyan Stoyanov : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
136 An analysis of Elizabeth F. Loftus's Eyewitness testimony / William J. Jenkins : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
137 An analysis of Clifford Geertz's the Interpretation of cultures : selected essays / Abena Dadze-Arthur : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
138 An analysis of Franz Boas's Race, language and culture / Anna Seiferle-Valencia : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
139 An analysis of E.E. Evans-Pritchard's Witchcraft, oracles, and magic among the Azande / Kitty Wheater : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
140 An analysis of Arjun Appadurai's Modernity at large : cultural dimensions of globalisation / Amy Young Evrard : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
141 An analysis of Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees's Our ecological footprint : reducing human impact on the earth / Luca Marazzi : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
142 An analysis of James E. Lovelock's Gaia : a new look at life on earth / Mohammad Shamsudduha : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
143 An analysis of Robert A. Dahl's Who governs? : democracy and power in an American city / Astrid Noren Nilsson with Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
144 An analysis of Seyla Benhabib's The rights of others : aliens, residents and citizens / Burcu Ozcelik with Jason Xidias : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
145 An analysis of J.A. Hobson's Imperialism a study / Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
146 An analysis of Robert A. Dahl's Democracy and its critics / Astrid Norén-Nilsson with Elizabeth Morrow and Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
147 An analysis of Hans J. Morgenthau's Politics among nations / Ramon Pacheco Pardo : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
148 An analysis of Theda Skocpol's States and social revolutions : a comparative analysis of France, Russia, and China / Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
149 An analysis of John C. Calhoun's A disquisition on government / Etienne Stockland and Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
150 An analysis of Robert O. Keohane's After hegemony / Ramon Pacheco Pardo : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
151 An analysis of Kenneth Waltz's Theory of international politics / Riley Quinn with Bryan R. Gibson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
152 An analysis of David C. Kang's China rising : peace, power, and order in East Asia / Matteo Dian with Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
153 An analysis of Mahmood Mamdani's Citizen and subject : contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism / Meike de Goede : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
154 An analysis of Ludwig von Mises's The theory of money and credit / Pádraig Belton : pbk,: hardback. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
155 An analysis of Thomas Robert Malthus's An essay on the principle of population / Nick Broten : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
156 An analysis of Gilbert Ryle's the Concept of mind / Michael O'Sullivan : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
157 An analysis of Amartya Sen's inequality reexamined / Elise Klein : pbk,: hardback. - London : Routledge , c2017
158 An analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's the Sickness unto death / Shirin Shafaie : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
159 An analysis of C. S. Lewis's the Abolition of man / Ruth Jackson with Brittany Pheiffer Noble : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
160 An analysis of Antonio Gramsci's Prison notebooks / Lorenzo Fusaro, Jason Xidias and Adam Fabry : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
161 An analysis of John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism / Patrick Tom with Sander Werkhoven : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
162 An analysis of Milton Friedman's the Role of monetary policy / John Collins with Nick Broten : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
163 An analysis of Frantz Fanon's the Wretched of the earth / Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
164 An analysis of Ha-Joon Chang's Kicking away the ladder : development strategy in historical perspective / Sulaiman Hakemy : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
165 An analysis of Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics / Giovanni Gellera with Jon W. Thompson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
166 An analysis of Baruch Spinoza's Ethics / Gary Slater with Andreas Vrahimis : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
167 An analysis of Mahbub ul Haq's Reflections on human development / Riley Quinn : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
168 An analysis of René Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy / Andreas Vrahimis : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
169 An analysis of N.T. Wright's The New Testament and the people of God / Benjamin Laird : pbk,: hardback. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
170 An analysis of Burton G. Malkiel's A random walk down Wall Street / Nick Burton : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
171 An analysis of Gustavo Gutiérrez's a Theology of liberation / Marthe Hesselmans with Jonathan Teubner : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
172 An analysis of Charles P. Kindleberger's Manias, panics, and crashes : a history of financial crises / Nick Burton : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
173 An analysis of Friedrich Schleiermacher's On religion : speeches to its cultured despisers / Ruth Jackson : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2018
174 An analysis of St. Benedict's the Rule of St. Benedict / Benjamin Laird : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
175 An analysis of Karen Z. Ho's Liquidated : an ethnography of Wall Street / Rodolfo Maggio : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
176 An analysis of C. S. Lewis's Mere christianity / Mark W. Scarlata : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
177 An analysis of Augustine of Hippo's The city of God against the pagans / Jonathan D. Teubner : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
178 An analysis of Douglas McGregor's the Human side of enterprise / Stoyan Stoyanov with Monique Diderich : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
179 An analysis of Martin Buber's I and thou / Simon Ravenscroft : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
180 An analysis of James March's Exploration and exploitation in organisational learning / Pádraig Belton : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
181 An analysis of Richard J. Evans's In defence of history / Nicholas Piercey with Tom Stammers : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
182 An analysis of Philippe Ariès's Centuries of childhood : a social history of family life / Eva-Marie Prag with Joseph Tendler : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
183 An analysis of Joan Wallach Scott's Gender and the politics of history / Pilar Zazueta with Etienne Stockland : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
184 An analysis of Chris Argyris's the individual and organization : some problems of mutual adjustment / Stoyan Stoyanov : pbk. - London : Macat International. - Abingdon : Routledge [distributor] , c2017
185 An analysis of Janet L. Abu-Lughod's Before European hegemony / William R. Day, Jr : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
186 An analysis of Michael E. Porter's Competitive strategy : techniques for analyzing industries and competitors / Pádraig Belton : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
187 An analysis of John Lewis Gaddis's We now know : rethinking Cold War history / Scott Gilfillan with Jason Xidias : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
188 An analysis of Geert Hofstede's culture's consequences : comparing values, behaviors, institutes and organizations across nations / Katherine M. Erdman : pbk. - Abingdon : Routledge , c2017
189 An analysis of Odd Arne Westad's the global Cold War / Patrick Glen with Bryan R. Gibson : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
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210 An analysis of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's Hitler's willing executioners / Simon Taylor with Tom Stammers : pbk,: hbk. - London : Routledge , c2017
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