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Competition and international trade / edited by Ruth Towse and Rudi Holzhauer
(The international library of critical writings in economics / series editor, Mark Blaug ; 145 . The economics of intellectual property ; v. 4)
(An Elgar reference collection)

Publisher Cheltenham : E. Elgar
Year c2002
Codes ID=2001033957 NCID=BA57351687

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Language English
Size ix, 567 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Notes Facsimile reprint of articles
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN for The economics of intellectual property: 184064351X
Authors Towse, Ruth, 1943-
Holzhauer, R. W.
Vol XISBN:184064351X

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Cent.Lib.,Closed Stacks ,Books(European Lang.)
346.048/EC74/4 0174003640
184064351X 2002