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Berezinskaia sistema i predpolagaemyi Dnieprovsko-dvinskii putʹ
(Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library ; RH18340)

Publisher Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International
Year 1981
Codes ID=2001622572 NCID=BB1665454X

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Language Russian
Size 4 microfiches ; 11 x 15 cm
Other titles original title:Березинская система и предполагаемый Днѣпровско-двинскій путь : отчетъ Коммиссіи по изслѣдованію западной группы искусственныхъ водныхъ системъ
Notes Originally published: С.-Петербургъ : Паровая типо-лит. Муллеръ и Богельманъ , 1893
Title from caption of microfiches
Subjects LCSH:Inland water transportation -- Soviet Union  All Subject Search

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Slavic-Eurasian Research Center Library, Microfiche



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