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応用エレクトロニクス / 桜井捷海, 霜田光一著
オウヨウ エレクトロニクス
(物理学選書 / 山内恭彦, 菊池正士, 小谷正雄編 ; 17)

Publisher 東京 : 裳華房
Year 1984.3
Codes ID=2000000649 NCID=BN00145257

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Language Japanese
Size xiv, 358p ; 22cm
Other titles title page title:Fundamentals of electronic instrumentation
Notes 参考書:p339. 索引:巻末
Authors 桜井, 捷海(1938-) <サクライ, カツミ>
霜田, 光一(1920-) <シモダ, コウイチ>
Subjects NDLSH:電子工学
Classification NDC8:549
Vol ISBN:4785323183 ; PRICE:5974円

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Central Library, Open-Stack Room
530/BUT/17 0112462997
4785323183 1984
Library of Physics Division, Grad. School of Sci.
530/BUT/17 2080458120
4785323183 1984
Dielectrics, Graduate School of Science
530/BUT 2010383884
4785323183 1984
Eng General Lib, Basement Stacks (Jpn Books)
530/BUT/17 3570317951
4785323183 1990
Eng., Kikai, Zairyou kinou kougaku
530/BU 3570144028
4785323183 1988
Information science, System seigyo riron
621.381/BUT 3570073808
4785323183 1984
Res.Inst.Elect.Sci.,Lab. of Nanostructure Physics
530.8/SAK 7610048740
4785323183 1984

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