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Roget's pocket thesaurus : based on Roget's international thesaurus of English words and phrases / ed. by C.O. Sylvester Mawson ; assisted by Katharine Aldrich Whiting
(Pocket book ; 383)

Publisher New York : Pocket Books
Year 1946
Codes ID=2000746697 NCID=BA38750903

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Language English
Size xxviii, 479 p. ; 17 cm
Other titles cover title:Roget's pocket thesaurus : a treasury of synonyms and antonyms
Authors Mawson, C. O. Sylvester (Christopher Orlando Sylvester), 1870-1938
Whiting, Katharine Aldrich

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North Library (3F,Lane books) : pbk 080/PAP 0280018458

North Library (Closed Stack, 5-7th, Media, Foreign Books) : pbk 424/R634 7120336908