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A pocket-dictionary of technical terms used in arts and manufactures : abridged from the technological dictionary of Rumpf, Mothes and Unverzagt with the addition of commercial terms

Publisher New-York : L.W. Schmidt
Year 1872
Codes ID=2000850513 NCID=BA47833604

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Language English,German,French
Size vi, 482, 407, 378 p. ; 17 cm
Other titles spine title:Pocket-dictionary German-English-French
Contents 1st part : German-English-French
2nd part : English-German-French
3rd part : French-German-English
Authors Rumpf, C.
Mothes, O.

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Cent. Lib., Sapporo Agricultural College
603/R86 0020052131

Cent. Lib., Sapporo Agricultural College
603/R86 0190456298