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エド バクフ キュウゾウ ヨウショ モクロク

Publisher 東京 : 蘭学資料研究会
Year 1957.3
Codes ID=2000826412 NCID=BN13907348

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Language Japanese
Size 96p ; 21cm
Other titles translation of title by cataloging agency:List of foreign books collected under the Shogunate Regime
translation of title by cataloging agency:Lijst van boeken in buitenlandse talen verzameld door het Shogunaat
Authors 蘭学資料研究会 <ランガク シリョウ ケンキュウカイ>
Subjects NDLSH:蔵書目録
Classification NDC6:029.9

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Central Lib, Center 1F, Ref Books, Library Catalog
016.9/R162 0022984464

Cent. Lib., Northern Collection, Lensen Collection
016.9/RAN 1310320041


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